Flying Foxes

On flying foxes…

It is only 4 sleeps until the BIG DAY!!! It’s still a bit surreal if I’m perfectly honest.

I’m currently taking care of a flying fox who has been unwell due to some sort of toxin in the trees where he had been eating. Thankfully, Horatio is improving every day.

I have loved flying foxes from the moment I met one called Phoebe. Since then, I have been vaccinated, trained and raised and cared for many of these incredibly intelligent animals. They are way, way smarter than any animal I have ever had close contact with. Not only that, they are vital pollinators, just as important as bees.

Once you’ve connected with a flying fox you never forget it. They look right into your eyes and deep into your soul. I am honouring Horatio, and all flying foxes, by including Horatio in my Azoria stories.

Here he is.