17 Days to go!

Day 17 to the BIG DAY!

Yikes! It’s all very real. I am going to endeavour to Live Stream the launch ⭐️

I’ve taken Azoria onto the new Threads platform and Insta too. This is when the focus switches to business; the business of serious marketing, building a wider audience base, delivering regular content, engaging with followers and creating opportunities to sell my first book.

I’ve never sold a product before, and it’s very different from selling my services as a consultant.

As a first-time publisher of a ‘real’ book it could be very easy to slip into the ‘imposter syndrome’ mindset. Writing a book, a song, poem or painting a picture is incredibly personal and marketing it comes with all sorts of personal challenges.

Is it good enough?

What if no one likes it?

What if I get a bad review?

And you have to get beyond that because it has the capacity to stop you in your tracks – that’s why it is so important to surround yourself with people who will support you with love and honesty.

And that’s where I have been incredibly fortunate.

I know my book is good enough, because I believe what you’ve told me. I really love my book too and more importantly, the reason I created it.

What if no one likes it? Well, I’ve already taken orders for 50 books without you having ever seen a copy.

And there will always be someone who won’t like what you do. But that’s ok, because there are plenty of people who do.

I believe in me, wholeheartedly. I have never been more sure that I’m on the right path.

Thank YOU for believing in me 🙏

This picture is from Book 1. Noah, the whale.